Chapter 4
There is no such thing as coincidence.
With no new customer in sight and no ongoing job, Kai had decided to spend the day at the ship docks instead of in the confined quarters of her shop. Hopping off a transport, she reached inside her duffle bag and grabbed one of the brownie balls she had bought on the way.
Chapter 5
When traveling, better to do so with friends than with foes.
Fully focused on pulling hard on the wrench for a final check that the amour plate was secure, Kai didn’t notice the two men sprinting towards her ship until they were closing in on the boarding ramp. In a swift motion, she leaped from under the ship and jumped in front of the ramp, catching them by surprise and blocking their way just in time.
Chapter 6
A good meal is food for the soul.
From the cockpit, Kai diligently navigated the Midsummer Comet out of Coruscant’s atmosphere. The moment the ship reached the darkness of space, she couldn’t help but take a moment to gaze at the stars. She never got tired of the vast glistening emptiness and its infinite possibilities.
Chapter 8
A deal is only as strong as the ones who strike it.
Sitting excitedly in the cockpit, Kai was getting ready to drop the Midsummer Comet out of hyperspace. First things first, it was time to let her passengers know they were about to make their decent, and also a fine opportunity to test the ship-wide coms.